Developer Environment Setup

To ensure that everything can be developed properly in parallel, we use a monorepo structure. This, combined with CI, will ensure that changes in the core must be immediately reflected in platform code like Apple and Android.

Let's look at what's involved to get hacking on each platform.


  1. Install Rust. If at all possible, install rustup. We use rust-toolchain.yml to synchronize the toolchain and install targets automatically (otherwise you will need to manage toolchains manually).
  2. Open the cargo workspace (common/) in your preferred editing environment.

The Rust project is a cargo workspace, and nothing beyond the above should be needed to start hacking! Make some changes and run the tests!

PR checklist

Before pushing, run the following from the common folder:

  • Run cargo fmt to automatically format any new rust code.
  • Bump the version on the ferrostar Cargo.toml at common/ferrostar/Cargo.toml (if necessary). If you forget to do this and make breaking changes, CI will let you know.


Perform all commands unless otherwise noted from the web directory.

  1. Install wasm-pack:
cargo install wasm-pack
  1. Build the WASM package for the core:
npm run prepare:core
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run a local dev server or do a release build:
# This will start a local web server for the demo app with hot reload
npm run dev

# Or you can do a release build (we test this in CI)
npm run build

PR checklist

Run npm run format:fix from the web directory before committing to ensure consistent formatting.


  1. Install the latest version of Xcode.
  2. Install the Xcode Command Line Tools.
xcode-select --install
  1. Install swiftformat.
  2. Since you're developing locally, set let useLocalFramework = true in Package.swift. (TODO: Figure out a way to extract this so it doesn't get accidentally committed.)
  3. Run the iOS build script:
cd common

IMPORTANT: every time you make changes to the common core, you will need to run to see your changes on iOS! We want to integrate this into the Xcode build flow in the future, but at the time of this writing, it is not possible with the Swift package flow. Further, the "normal" Xcode build flow always assumes xcframeworks can't change during build, so it processes them before any other build rules. Given these limitations, we opted for a shell script until further notice.

  1. Open the Swift package in Xcode. (NOTE: Due to the quirks of how SPM is designed, Package.swift must live in the repo root. This makes the project view in Xcode slightly more cluttered, but there isn't much we can do about this given how SPM works.)

PR checklist

Run swiftformat . from the apple directory before committing to ensure consistent formatting.


  1. Install Android Studio (NOTE: We assume you are using a recent version no more than ~a month out of date).
  2. Install cargo-ndk to allow gradle to build the local library and With cargo-ndk installed you can load and sync Android Studio then build the demo app allowing gradle to automatically build what it needs.
cargo install cargo-ndk
  1. Ensure that the latest NDK is installed (refer to the ndkVersion number in core/build.gradle and ensure you have the same version available). This is easiest to install via Android Studio's SDK Manager (under SDK Tools > NDK).
  2. Open the Gradle workspace ('android/') in Android Studio. Gradle builds automatically ensure the core is built, so there are no funky scripts needed as on iOS.
  3. (Optional) If you want to use Maven local publishing to test...
    • Bump the version number to a SNAPSHOT in build.gradle.
    • run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -Pskip.signing.
    • Reference the updated version number in the project, and ensure that mavenLocal is one of the repositories.

PR checklist

Run the ktfmtFormat gradle action before committing to ensure consistent formatting.

We use Paparazzi for UI snapshot tests efficiently (without a full emulator). You can run these locally with ./gradlew verifyPaparazziDebug. You can record updated snapshots with ./gradlew recordPaparazziDebug.